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Angie Robert
Born in Canada
24 years
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Do you know any of Angie's Favorites?
Louise Adnum February 5, 2008

DRESSES.....How I remember how Angie always wanted to wear a dress.  Any time we were going anywhere, she always wanted to be in a dress......I remember Angie graduating from Grade 7, she wanted to go to the dance so bad but only if she could have a beautiful dress.......She was so happy when her grandfather and I took her out and bought her the dress......when we finished buying the dress, we told her to pick out a jacket as she needed a coat to go with the dress......Never in my life have I ever seen a happier girl, her smile from that day will forever be etched in my mind.......My beautiful Cinderella......I miss you so much!

Donna Mom to Angie February 4, 2008
I know...

Do you know any of Angie's favorite her favorite colour, song, movie, food, bar, etc...than add it here so people will get to know more about Angie.

I know one of her favorite movies was "Annie!" Jeremy and her would watch it at least twice a day. It had to be playing nearly all the time or else Jeremy would get upset. He loved the music and was starting to learn the songs.

I know one of her favorite songs was "THE JOKER!" I remember her saying to me, "Mom you should hear this song about a joker, it's so cool!" I thought for a few minutes and than I said, "you don't mean..."I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker!" do you. She was flabergasted. She thought it was a fairly recent song. She didn't realize it was an old song. We had a good laugh because in my younger days, that was one of my favorite songs. It's such a fun song!

She had a nickname for Jeremy and it was "DAH MAN!"

I have more that I will enter later...but if you have some let us know! Thanks

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