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Angie Robert
Born in Canada
24 years
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Memorial Book
Do you know any of Angie's Favorites?
Mom April 10, 2009


Angie loved people. She never seen the bad in anyone! She loved to be surrounded by anyone who wanted or needed company. Angie didn't live a life for herself. Her time and energy was put to everyone in her life.

Angie was not rich financially, but she was the richest person in kindness, caringness, love, and honesty.

What was Angie's, was yours! Material things didn't mean a lot to Angie, but making sure people were not hungry or hurt was very important to her!

For sure Angie loved clothes and felt so special when she did buy new things for herself, but it gave her more pleasure to buy something she knew someone else would like.

Angie bought me many items that I will treasure till the day I die. Now that she is not here, you can see the thought she put into the items she gave. It was like...I don't know how to explain it, but from the time she was little she knew she'd be gone before me, and she wanted me to have things that she knew would mean the world to me. WHAT you must be thinking...did she give me...well she bought me and her Dad 3 sets of mugs for Grandma and Grandpa. Jeremy would never have been able to go and buy these himself...but I look at them everyday and it's a big reminded that us as Grandparents was special to her. She bought me dried flowers with her brother Ricky when they were around twelve and thirteen...they knew I loved flowers and they wanted to make sure I would always have some. They designed the format and picked the flowers and the colors and to this day, it sits where I can see it everyday! She bought me flannelet bottom PJ's because she knew I love the feel of fleecy. I wear them only when I want relaxing and comfortable time for myself! She gave me frames with pictures of her and Jeremy with Grandma written on them. She bought me a beautiful ceremic heart that you hang all your grandchildren's birthday stones on. This came from Bradford Exchange...I only have one grandchild to hang the stone on, but if and when I ever have I hang the birthday stones on it, I will know that Angie's heart is overflowing for me. She knew I wanted a large family and so did she...I didn't get the large family, nor did she, nor do I have a lot of grandchildren...but every time a new addition will be added to our family, their birthday stone will hang proudly in rememberance of my precious Angie.

I could type away with so many items she bought me, but none of the items will mean much to you as a reader, but they mean the world to me! It's the little things in life that means so much and I've learned that Angie knew that and understood it.

She would buy exactly something that was what someone would want. She bought collectable cars for a man because he is an avid collected. She bought a special coin for someone because this person was so kind to a family, that didn't really appreciate her. She gave a wedding gift to a couple that was way out of her budget, by saving up her tips...just so they could have a real nice honeymoon. She bought her son, his first, second and third car. Not mattel's little cars, but cars with batteries so he could zoom, zoom around!

Cooking and baking for people was one of Angie's favorite things. That girl could cook up a awesome meal that would leave you wanting more no matter how much your belly was telling you stop...

Babysit, go for walks, listen to people who need a shoulder to cry on, lend a dollar, let ppl use her washer and dryer instead of going to a laudry mat, a place to sleep if need be, and so many other things that Angie did for her friends. They were very important to her. She didn't care what anyone else thought or would say...if she knew you, you were very important to her. What was hers, was yours, except her baby boy and Zoey...her adopted doggie!

Angie had lots of patience and tenderness for the men in her life. When she loved, she loved. She gave them their space and freedom, along with lots of security, respect and love. Angie had two special people who treated her very well and she loved the relationships, but there was one that she tried with all her might to save, but it was one that she was hurt and abused for a very long time. Her heart kept telling her, there was hope for the person and he would become the guy she first fell in love with. Even though the relationship finally ended, she didn't hate this person, she hated his habits. Through all of it, she still kept in contact and tried to be supportive. She did have the best five months of her life, before her passing and for that I'm grateful! Her son and her were spoiled with love and kindness.

I remember getting angry sometimes and telling Angie that she shouldn't carry the world's problems on her shoulder. She'd shruggle and put that little grin on her face telling me that no matter what I say, she was going to be who she was.

If you were ever lucky enough to party with Angie or go to a bar with would be probably the funniest nights of your life. Angie would have a blast, and she'd make sure everyone else did too. She wasn't shy when she was out to party! Singing, dancing, grabbing people to get up and move it, her actions and expressions would keep you watching her all night, and with a big smile on your face. Actually, your checks and jaws would be sore from all the laughing.

Yes people were the hightlights in Angie's life and I know that she will never be forgotten because if she touched your heart than she automaticly was sketched in your memory! Never could it be erased or forgotten.

Angie has half my heart with her, and the other half thinks of her and it cracks with hurt, lonliness and sometime anger. There is just no easy way to live a full hearted life when you lose someone special. With all the wonderful memories comes the moments of wanting to talk, to touch and hold her...something that nobody, no money, nor no power,can do!

I'm so proud because there is only positive vibes that Angie has instilled in people. She was not perfect, she was not a God, she was just ANGIE...a FRIEND to all PEOPLE

Missy September 16, 2008
Not Ang's fav but mine
I remember that Angie was an awesome cook. I would sneak there right after work, before I went to my own family, scarf down a great meal Angie made for me. I love her for that lol.
Your Mom March 1, 2008

Ricky and Angie were very close in age. They were 11 months apart. Imagine I got pregnant two months after having Ricky. All was well, I wanted at least thirteen children, but had no choice to stop after three. Darn!

Ricky and Angie were best friends in their younger years. They had the same friends and got along perfect. They were so close in age they could nearly do the same thing at the same time...

Like the time, their father and me were sleeping, and they got up. They ususally came into our room and jumped on us...well not this morning...oh no...they quitely went into the frontroom and decided to call people. The phone rang at nearly twelve noon (that's how quite they were, we never slept to that time) anyhow I jumped up and answered the phone. It was an operator from Bell Canada. She said that the children were on the line making very long distance to calls to all over the world. Africa etc.. Apparently, they were doing this for four hours. They called the operator and didn't realize it and she could hear that it was chldren, so she was trying to get through the line to notify me. She told me that they had ran up thousands of dollars worth of long distance. I was like oh my god...what do I do know! So I told her I couldn't afford to pay that kind of bill. She was a nice person and she said that she was going to earase them from my bill, because she listen and knew it was the kiddies. Let me tell you, we were very upset with them. What can you do though they were only two and three years of age. We should have been up! What a way for the kiddies to teach us a lesson...scared the heck right out of us.

Another time, we were sleeping and we had a long on the top of the kitchen door so the kiddies could never open the door and go outside. So I wake up this morning and I go to go into the bedroom to wake them up...Ricky and Angie are not there.  I search the where to be found. My husband noticed that the back door was on locked. Ricky had taken a chair unlooked the door, put the chair back and he and Angie left to go to the park down the street. Freaken out my husband and I run down the street yelling their names and looking everywhere for them. Again two and three years of age. We got to the park which was only down the street from us, and there they were, dressed up in adult clothes. Angie in my dress and high heals, and Ricky with his Dad's shirt and shoes on. They looked like children who came from a very very very poor home. I mean who would dress their kids like that and let them go to the park alone. They said they wanted to play Mommy and Daddy and pretend to take the kids to the park. We were so happy when we found them, but after the shock wore off, boy did they find out never to do that again.

Ricky and Angie were really good kiddies and so was Randy. Thank goodness at this time he was a just an infant and they left him alone to sleep.

There are many little stories to share with you, but I will do some later.

Angie's Mom March 1, 2008
Lemon Merigue Pies

Everytime Angie knew her brother Randy was going to her place she would make him two lemon merigue pies. It was both of their favorites. She was so proud of her pies. She use to tell me that she made better lemon pies than me. It was true, but I had to tease her and tell her she learned from the best!


Angie and Randy hung out a lot. They had a lot of the same friends and interests. Randy was younger but he would always watch out for his sister.


She loved her brother's sense of humor. He could make her and everyone laugh so much. He's quick and funny.


He loves Jeremy and helps to keep him on the right track in life. Angie would be proud of them together. Acutally a lot of Jeremy's way are the same as "The ROCK'S" which is Randy's nickname. Angie loved to call him by this.



Your Mom March 1, 2008
A favorite song

Missy told me awhile ago one of your favorite songs was

"Mr. Boombastic" by Shaggy...hope I spelt it right.

I know you loved the song "The Joker" and your friends still play it in your honor. I hear Rob sings and plays it in your honor everytime he plays with the band.

Another song you liked was "Travelling Soldier" by Dixie Chicks.  your neighbour would always play to pratice for Kareokee and we would run over and join in.

I remember walking into karokee a few times and you and your brother Randy would be up singing "500 miles"

You loved music so much. You ususally had something playing all the time. After Jeremy  came along, you would have children's tapes playing for him. You sang along to them as if they were your favorite rock songs. SO CUTE!

Alice Don-Elysyn February 25, 2008
Angie and I were kenderd sprits.
Angie was my twin. she was always there for me in sprit and and form. She wAS THE LITTLE SISTER I ALWAYS WANTED. Angie is still in my heart and will all ways be there for me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGIE MY SISTER............   LOVE ALWAYS YOUR SISTER ALICE,
Tina McCarty February 6, 2008
Proudest Aunt


Tina McCarty February 6, 2008
Miss her sweet niece

Playing Dress Up.... So many times we dressed Angie and Terri up the same.....I had so much fun when I bought an outfit for Terri and then I was able to find it in an bigger size for Angie (she was three years older than Terri).  In this mom brought back the same outfit for Angie, Terri and cool was that......Playing Dress Up AND watching Mr. Dress Up was a favorite of our precious baby girl.

Tina McCarty February 5, 2008
Proudest Aunt

Family......Angie's favorite pass time was spending time with her family......Her love for her mom, dad, brothers, grandparents and Especially DA MAN was how Angie liked to spend her time.....

Tina McCarty February 5, 2008


FAVORITE..........Well we all know one favorite.....her AUNTIE TINA.......(lol'S)

Ha Ha got ya Joe & Sandy.....Just kidding, that is one thing Angie didn't have....was a favorite Aunt!  (I just like to think that)

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