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Angie Robert
Born in Canada
24 years
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What did Angie mean to you?
Proudest Auntie Tina February 3, 2014
Missing You
My Sweetest Heavenly Angel, how are you?   I am missing you more than usual tonight, so I thought I would come by and write a candle and spend some time visiting you.   I am loving your site, unfortunately, I have not been on for a little while, and it has definately changed up a bit.   I went through different sections, and found this section, What does Angie Mean To YOU?
Well honey, E V E R Y T H I N G........I misss you so much.   We all do, I just finished spending a week at Nanny & Grampy's house, and your name came up and we once again tailked about you and shared stories. 

Nanny & Grampy are redoing their bathroom, and are a little overwhelmed with the decisions, so do me a favor, sweetie, and visit them in their dreams, and help them make the right choices.....

They chose beautiful fixtures, (bath, shower doors, toilet and vanity, and medicine cabinet), now they just need to choose the tiles, and the right contractor....and voila, as usual their bathroom will be just as beautiful as the rest of their home.

Well my darling little girl, I will go to bed know, and hopefully, you will visit me in my dreams too.   I love you so much, and miss you every second every day.  

Love and kisses,
Auntie Tina Smile
Your Mom October 10, 2011
Your 7th Angeldate, 2555 days your gone
image Angie was the person in the family along side her Dad to get decorations, plans, and food going to all the holidays we celebrated. It was a passion of hers since she was a tiny girl, till the day she died.

Even if you weren't in the mood to start, she'd get you into it, and than before long...all would be laughing and enjoying the moments.

I know it would break Angie's heart to know that her family has not be able to get together this holiday after everything was planned. She must be looking down in disgust knowing how foolish everyone was. She didn't have the choice to be here this Thanksgiving, but the rest did.  (mind you, we called it a get together because we have Jehovah Witnesses who don't celebrate anything with our family)

This was her nephew, Sheldon's 1st Thanksgiving, and I'm sure she was chuckling looking down at all the fun he had. Her son, Jeremy is so much like her...just with the things he says and does. It would have been nice for the boys to see their Great Grandparents and other family members this weekend, but that's life, no nice pictures for them to have memories by. This would have made Angie a little unhappy, but we have to live with the choices people make.
Angie always had great pumkins for Jeremy on Thanksgiving, and Halloween and she always took him apple picking. In memory of her, he got to do these two events again this year. She'd be happy that Jeremy is so well taken care of, and raised to be a happy boy. I can only hope she keeps her Angel Wings wrapped around him always and forever.
I love you Angie and I miss you very much...but I'm so glad that your brothers, Melinda, Serena and Sheldon makes your Dad, Mine and Jeremy's lives so happy and entertained! xoxoxo
Tina McCarty July 19, 2009
Proudest Aunt in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD

Angie was our first born niece. Always a quiet little girl.  She had a very unique voice, it was deep, and flat.....perhaps some may not agree, but in my ears that's how she sounded......I keep hearing these words, is Terri, Uncle Steve & Jeff?  Every time I talked to her, I was guaranteed to hear that question, and it was asked in a a flat deep voice.   That was the order she always asked, first Terri, then my husband, then my son, and I truly believe that was the order she cherished them....She would have definately been in Terri's wedding party, but tragedy struck and that was not possible, HOWEVER, we all know that she was with us that day.....We love & miss our Angie very much....


In Loving Memory of ANGIE MARY ROBERT - February 24th 1980 - October 9th 2004


"No farewell words were spoken,

Not time to say goodbye,

You were gone before we knew it,

And no one could tell us why.

We miss you now our hearts are sore;

As time goes by we miss you more,

Your loving smile, your gentle face,

No one can fill your vacant place.

We miss you in so many ways,

We miss the thinkgs you used to say,

And when old times we do recall,

It's then we miss you most of all.

Everyday in some small way,

memories of you come our way.

Though absent, you are always near,

Still missed, still loved, and always dear


Forever in our hearts,

Auntie Tina



Mom July 13, 2009
The Unknown


I just thank God that she was chosen to be my daughter. I'm thankful but it doesn't make it any easier that she is not with me. It is the hardest thing to want her to be here and not being able to do anything about it! It's not fair, and the pain hurts more than I thought I could ever hurt.

When I drive by the spot where she had her accident, I say "Hi Angie" and than I look at trees, culvert, the ditch, and the mailbox...and I just want to scream as loud as I could...I hate that spot, I hate that day, I hate she's gone...I hate that as good as we are in life, we have to live life without our loved ones...just not fair!!!!

I hate that this has taken a big toll on my is she suppose to feel, she natured all her daughters and she help nature all her Grandchildren and than bang...just like is GONE  and not just for a day or a it's FOREVER!!! It's the a Mother and Grandmother you want to protect and be with your children and my Mom is like that with all her children and grandchildren and great grandchildren... but when one of your young ones die...your useless to do anything to protect them and you feel their all alone...

So, Angie meant everything to me...and the pain she leaves everyone in proves she was the PERFECT ANGIE!

Grandparents Louise & David June 3, 2009
Our Angel Forever June 3,2009
She meant the world to us Angie was somebody that was so kind,loveable,had a heart of gold would do any thing for anybody & would give her last dollar if someone had to have it..The day we lost our Angie well that was a real shock..It will be 5 years on October 9/2009 that our beautiful Granddaughter has left us & our life has never been the same..Our Children,Grandchildren,Great Grandchildren will always be the world to us..We love all you children & our precious Angel so much..Loving You All Forever..xo xo

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