Angie Robert - Online Memorial Website

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Angie Robert
Born in Canada
24 years
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Memorial Book
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy Saint Patrick's Day! March 17, 2013
Mary Hand Thinking of you.... March 17, 2013
dragan's dad Remembering you on Saint Patrick's day March 17, 2013
Rocky's mom Claudia Happy St. Patricks Day! March 16, 2013
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline Scanlon's Nana March 16, 2013
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana Thinking of YOU..... March 10, 2013
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Thinking of You! March 6, 2013
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline Scanlon's Nana March 5, 2013
From Angie Hi Nanny and Grandpy March 4, 2013

Dear Nanny and Grandy,

Do you remember the day I went to visit you and I decided to help weed your garden...I loved to spend time with you both. I'm always watching from up above and I see how much you miss me. I'm happy where I am, and I'm safe. I miss you both very much, but we will be together again one day. Enjoy your life and let me watch you laughing and having fun! I love your Granddaughter, Angie xo xo

Family of Angie Robert Thank you evey one! February 26, 2013

Thank you for thinking of Angie and her family on her birthday. We all appreciate it so much. Love from her Mom and Dad, her Grandfather and Grandmother, Louise, and her son Jeremy! Hugs to you all xo
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum Thinking of You <3 February 25, 2013


The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,

Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.

But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,

Touches the world
in some small way
For all eternitity.


Libby Cannon Happy Birthday Angie... February 24, 2013
Grandma Louise 2 Angie Robert Happy birthday sweetie February 24, 2013
               Happy 33rd Birthday 


Happy birthday to our wonderful granddaughter Angie. The years are slipping by us and we miss you as much today as we did the day you left. We hope you hear us talking about you and reminising about the days you were with us! Have a happy birthday with all your Angel Friends today. We LOVE you ANGIE xoxo Your Nanny and Grandpy xoxo
Mom and Dad Happy birthday Punkie xo February 24, 2013

There's our little Punkie were always so sweet and pretty. We remember the minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks, the months and the years we got to spend with you. We never thought a day would come when we wouldn't be celebrating with you. We thought you'd be here and we'd be gone and you would be doing all the reminising. It hurts Ang that we can't have you to hold and be with. Feel our love that we send to you all the time. Love you so much! xoxoxo
Jeremy, your son Happy birthday Mommy i love you February 24, 2013

Happy birthday Mommy. I love you. Your birthday is special to me but mine is even more special...because that is when you had me. This is a picture of you and me the day I was born. I was only 4 lbs and 7'd never know I was a small baby Mommy because now I am so big. I wish you were here. I love you and miss you. Love Jeremy xoxoxox
Angie's favorite Auntie Tina Happy Birthday Angie February 24, 2013
Happy birthday Angie...sending my picture to you so you can remember to share some laughs with me...your Mom and I talk so much about you. Don't ever forget me, because I will never forget you. I love you and miss you so much. Not fair that you were taken from us 9 years ago. Have fun today. Love your favorite Auntie Tina. xoxo LOL

dragan's dad Happy Birthday Angie! February 24, 2013

              Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of ‘you’ to the world.

Mary Hand Happy Birthday Angie..... February 23, 2013
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ Happy Birthday ~ Angie February 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Angie.  Always thinking of you special Angel.  (((Donna, Louise, Dad, and Jeremy)))
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy 33rd Birthday Angie! February 21, 2013
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