Angie Robert - Online Memorial Website

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Angie Robert
Born in Canada
24 years
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Memorial Book
Susan, mom to Kurtis Cleaver Thank you so much March 10, 2008

What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for lighting candles for my son. Every day I meet more angel moms and know that Kurt's friends are growing. I am so sorry we all have to meet this way. Know your angel is always in my heart and you and your family are forever in my prayers. God Bless you.

xxoo Susan, mom to angel Kurtis Cleaver









Baby Ethan Lombard's Mommy Happy Birthday Angel! February 26, 2008
Made with love for your birthday - Love, Baby Ethan & Family <3

Tammy(angel brittney shoap) Celebrating in Heaven February 25, 2008
I know our daughters are having a great birthday togeather in heaven, My daughter would have been 23 on the 27th. I know they are watching over us. The pain of your child birthday coming and they are not here with us is almost unbearable. Please know there are others who feel for you and pray for comfort. may God Bless you
Traci Barnai~Mommy 2vanessa Happy Birthday February 24, 2008





Harriet Conn ^i^ Mike's mom February 16, 2008

Hi Donna,

Your new website is looking wonderful.  I love the song you chose for Angie's website. I know making these websites are like a labor of luv for our children and the site will never be complete, there is always the next holiday, birthday, angel date, someone's wedding, another angel joining them in heaven, etc. We continue to keep their memories alive and I think this is the best tribute we can give to our angels, the photos, lit candles, sayings, poems and most of all our own words.  Thanks so much for the email you sent me about my dilema with my daughter and your great advise about paving the way for the new addition to our family when the time comes.  I have been thinking about what you said about Mike's room and his things and I know what the right thing to do is and when the time comes I will know it and will be able to go through his things.  Also, thank you for sharing Angie's story with me and you are so blessed to have  Jeremy with you. Samantha is due to have the son the middle of April. One of her friends just had a little girl and Sam loves being around the baby. I just hope Samantha is a good mom.  Thanks again for your email and your comforting words to help me get through this.  You are a special lady. 



^i^ Mike's Mom

Lyne Beautiful Angel February 16, 2008
<center><br /><a href=""><img src="" title="" border="0" alt=" Orkut MySpace Hi5 Scrap Images"></a><br /><a href="" title="Orkut MySpace Hi5 Glitter Comments and Picture Scraps"> Rose Images</a></center>

Angie, you look so much like your mom :-) You have a beautiful site from those who love you very much. Reading all these comments, you truly have a beautiful heart & soul

Auntie Tina Bittersweet Memories February 13, 2008


My Sweetest Angel, Once again, as a special day arrives, it brings bittersweet memories of you.   So many times, I ask GOD why?  I try to find the answer, and I become numb....It is so hard to understand, WHY, when someone loves life and has so much to live for, WHY would their life be snapped away in an instant? 

As we celebrate tomorrow with special love for the special people in our lives, I will do my own little celebration of a young women who I was once new from the day she born until the day she died....Yes my darling, YOU, tomorrow as our hearts go out to all the people we love, my heart simply holds you tucked away, and YES, I will remember......

As we celebrate Terri's 25th Birthday in just 6 days, once again it is bittersweet.  WHY?  because you never got to celebrate your 25th, and that hurts.

Your baby is growing up fast sweetie, he is simply adorable.  You would be so very proud.  Your mom and dad are doing an excellent upbringing with him......They are so strong, and YES, so unbelievable, (imagine your mom a scout leader)......Uncle Steve always said she was "the rose", the real trooper in the family!

I love you baby girl, I will think of you with so much love tomorrow.....You will be in my heart as you are every day.

Auntie Tina


Missy Hey Hey February 11, 2008
wassup Ang :D Poppin in to say hi to ya. I love you muchly. Bizou Bizou chicky xoxox Luv ur one and only Missy
Your Grandparents Happy Valentine's Day February 11, 2008

For our Dear Angie

Valentine's Day is near

and the Angels are out

and on the fireplace mantle

you're picture will stand.


We'll gather around

to remember old times

How wonderful it was

When you were around!


Missing you and we love you

Nanny and Grandpy


Auntie T Proudest Aunt February 6, 2008


The night is is stormy, the wind is blowing and snow is is today, Wednesday, February 6th 2008.  I am driving home from Toronto around 8:00 p.m., the roads are bad, the storm is wild....In fact, my boss suggests I stay in Toronto and the office will pay for my hotel room.   It was tempting, but with no overnight clothes, and really not prepared to stay away, I thought I would persevere the storm and at least make an attempt to drive home. 

Highway 400, past Major Mac, I think I am the only car on the road, except of course the odd one that races by, and I think to myself?  What an idiot.....but I guess they are in a I drive with caution, rather take my time and get home, then end up in a ditch and not get home.....

I get to Hwy 9, this is where my challenge begins....the road is bad, it is all open fields the snow is blowing, of course there is a truck behind that is trying desperately to get inside my trunk.....the asshole, I wish I could slam my brakes on but NO, not worth it....sorry you jerk......

Suddenly, a bird....yes a bird totally white, flies onto the roof of my car, I see it, it is flapping it's wings.....Am I crazy?  A bird this time of year, but yes it is......I think to myself, I will NOT share this anyone because they will think I am nuts.....

But the bird does not leave my thoughts, the truck behind me is not as close anymore, I begin to see a little bit better.  Two thoughts cross my mind.....the cell phone rings, it's Steve......Steve, I have to tell you something, a bird it just landed on my car, it was pure white, it flapped it's wings and then flew away....Ya Tina, right a bird, how many birds do you know land right on a car as it is moving?  Not too many, I think it may have been a snowball.....No really Steve, it was a bird, I'm not kidding.  The only reason I am telling you is because it's one of two things (1)  Angie is with me on this wicked drive home   OR   (2) I am not going to make it home and she is coming to get me.....I have to tell you this Steve just in case, the bird is so real......

I am home safe....Thank you Angie, I truly enjoyed the ride home and I'm glad I didn't get a room!  Your company was much better.


I love you baby girl.


Auntie Tina


Tina McCarty To My Sister, with Love February 3, 2008



Auntie Tina February - Bitter Sweet Memories February 3, 2008



Jeff McCarty To a Special Cousin on VD Day! February 3, 2008






Nanny & Grampy Our Baby Girl xoxoxo February 3, 2008





Uncle Steve Simply remembering someone very special February 3, 2008



Jeremy & Mommy celebrating their 1stValentines together February 3, 2008



I said, God I hurt  
And God said, I know

I said, I cry a lot
And God said, That's why I gave you tears

I said, Life is so hard
And God said, That's why I gave you loved ones

I said, But my loved one died!!
And God said, So did mine!!

I said, It's such a great loss!!
And God said, I saw mine nailed to a cross!!

I said, But  your loved one lives!!
And God said, So does yours!!

I said, Where is she now??
And God said, My son is by my side! 
  Your Mommy in my arms!!


Hunter Davy misses Auntie Angie soooo MUCH February 3, 2008


Nanny missing you so much I pray every day for this wish February 3, 2008



Tina McCarty Proudest Aunt February 3, 2008






 In Memory of my Beautiful Niece,

Angie Mary Robert



Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.

I'm following the path, God has laid you see.

I took his hand when I heard him call,

I turned my back, and I left it all.

I could not stay another day,

To laugh, to love, to work or play

Task left undone, must stay that way,

I found that peace at the close of day.

If my parting has left a void,

Then fill it with remembered joys.

A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,

Oh yes, these things, I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow.

I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.

My life's been full,  I savored much,

Good friends, good times, my mother's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,

Don't lenghten it now with undo grief.

Lift up your hearts and peace to thee.

God wanted me now; he set me free!



Missy Hellooooo February 3, 2008
Hooray Ang, I can finally write to you again. So how's it hanging up there. Kids are doing well, which I know you can see. Troubles here and there but hey thats life eh? I wish you were still around partying with us and all. Need your sence of humor around you know. Well its great to see that I can come and say hello agaiin. I love you lots Ang. Big kisses and Hugs xoxoxox
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