March 9, 2010
Hello Nanny,
Your so funny, how did you read my mind? I was hoping when you looked at my picture and looked into my eyes, you would see that I was always thinking of you and my family. I love you guys so much.
I watch all of you, all the time! I'm so impressed with what you did with your house. It's so beautiful. Man my brother is good. You know if I could I would have been there to help you also Nanny.
Thanks for being so kind to my son. I can see how much he enjoys playing sorry with you. He's a lucky boy to have you all. I don't worry about him at all. I miss him, but I know he's okay.
One day we'will be together again, and I anxiously wait for that day! I can't wait. I've met a lot of friends since my passing and I see you and my Mom has connected with their families.
I never thought I was going to die Nanny, if I did for sure I would have told you and gave you a big hug and kiss. Our life is only loaned to us. I know your heart is broken and you hurt every minute, but Nanny really I'm okay!
I'm with you always, and sometimes when I think you really need me near you, I leave a penny for you to find. I do the same with Auntie Tina and my Mom. I'm not gone from you forever Nanny. I still live every day in your heart and mind. Death may seem empty and black, but it's's a resting time...until we're together again.
I have it much easier than you do. I know and understand why I died and what to expect, as for you, your still wondering and hoping. Ease your mind Nanny...I could never leave you forever. I love you way to much.
Thank you for being such a great great great and special Grandmother to me. I died knowing I was loved. I was a lucky girl to have the family I did. Jesus told me that you were all chosen especially for me.
I read your candles, but more I feel your love and compassion. If Heaven had stairs Nanny, I would walk all the way down just to spend one minute with you. That's not how it is, and it's all for a good reason. Can you imagine if we saw each other again on wouldn't let me leave and I wouldn't want to leave. Geezs that would be way to hard.
These 5 years and 5 months have gone by so fast. I see my friends and how their families are increasing. I see how Randy has achieved something he always wanted to do. I see my son, Jeremy growing so quickly. I see my Mom and Dad and I know they miss me terribly also. Ricky, and Melinda are doing great and probably may start a family one of these days soon. I see all my Aunts, Uncles, cousins and I can see how some of suffering with illness. It's hard to see that, because I never feel pain, I never feel hurt, I never feel ill...I am at peace.
I'm sending you a big hug and kiss Nanny and one for Grandpy too. I can't just slip n2 your dreams, it something your subconscious does. But don't you worry, because I'm close by you always.
I will wait forever for you Nanny...just enjoy life...your new renovations...your family that you and Grandpy created, because you are the luckest people in the have love, you know love, and you are love!
Ta ta for now, Nanny...I love you and I will send you a note again...
Love you forever, your 1st Granddaughter on earth and your 1st Granddaughter in Heaven...Angie xoxoxoxoxo XOXOXOXOXO
The sunset along my horizon,
is the rising sun above your hills.
it brings the night; a dark illusion,
as it welcomes your morning and your day it fills.
During these moments i tend to wonder...
When you walk home late at night,
along the empty coblestone streets,
and the sun peaks through the landscape into site,
Do you think of me?
With a pack on your back and trails at your feet,
all the creatures, the streams and beauty you see,
during cultural traditions and with all the new people you meet,
Do you think of me?
When awe of nature's creations take your breath away,
and your ears are filled with sweet melody
of the wind, and willows, and booming waterfalls forte,
Do you think of me?
When my night falls and darkness surrounds me,
I think of your day and pray that its great.
When the morning light is in site and the sun comes to greet me,
I hope it left you a colorful sunset and in a peaceful state.
As I travel and go about my life with laughs and smiles,
I imagine where you are and that you are smiling too.
If trials and tribulations obstruct my path, or if I've had a bad day,
I think of you and hope that maybe once in a while, along your way---
You think of me too.